The Uniting Church in Australia came into being in 1977, following agreement on a Basis of Union, which states in part:

The Uniting Church recognises that responsibility for government in the Church belongs to the people of God by virtue of the gifts and tasks which God has laid upon them. The Uniting Church therefore so organises its life that locally, regionally and nationally government will be entrusted to representatives, men and women, bearing the gifts and graces with which God has endowed them for the building up of the Church. The Uniting Church is governed by a series of inter-related councils, each of which has its tasks and responsibilities in relation both to the Church and the world.

This is expressed through:

  • the Congregation -  "the embodiment in one place of the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church, worshipping, witnessing and serving as a fellowship of the Spirit in Christ"
  • the Church Council - representatives of the congregation with the Minister, "responsible for building up the congregation in faith and love, sustaining its members in hope, and leading them into a fuller participation in Christ’s mission in the world"
  • the Presbytery - the district council
  • the Synod - the regional council, such as the NSW/ACT Synod
  • the Assembly - the national council, which  has determining responsibility for matters of doctrine, worship, government and discipline.

The Presbytery meeting on 18 August 2018 received reports from its two delegates to the 15th Assembly of the Uniting Church in Australia - one of those reports is here.

Further information

National Assembly website

Basis of Union, Constitution, Regulations and Policies

NSW/ACT Synod website