Chair's Newsletter February 2023

18 Feb 2023 by Stephen Nicholson in: Latest News

Presbytery meeting Saturday 19 November 2022

The Presbytery Annual General Meeting was held at Port Macquarie.  A time for receiving reports and holding elections.  First we heard from Synod’s new Presbytery Relations Minister, Rev Dr Rob McFarlane.  Across the diverse Presbyteries within the Synod there are differing capacities and challenges, and part of his role is to facilitate Synod and its staff responding appropriately to each. Rob enjoyed meeting us face to face and gaining an insight to our circumstances.

As a result of the elections, the office-bearers and committee members are:


Presb. Standing Committee

Pastoral Relations Committee

Stephen Nicholson


Rev Jo Smalbil

Deputy Chairperson

Lyn Dun

PRC representative


Rev Cherie Strudwick

Pastoral Relations Minister

Pastoral Relations Minister

Marie Battle


Carolyn Sharp

Minute Secretary

Madeline Parish

Correspondence Secretary

Glenis Proberts

Minutes Secretary

Pastor Geoff Battle

Correspondence Secretary

Ross Chambers


Anne Eriksson


Dr Ray Hallgath


We are looking for people interested in co-ordinating Peace and Justice, Property, Disaster Response and Presbytery Website – please prayerfully support the Committees in their responsibilities, and in finding assistance in these areas.

Presbytery Meetings 2023

The first meeting on the year is Saturday 18 February, and will be held at Kempsey Uniting Church, and will include commissioning of office-bearers and committee members.  Order of the Day will be hearing from Darren Twist, Principal of Margaret Jurd College, and Jim Knowles, Chairperson of the Board, who are involved in developing a co-located school on the Tuncurry Church land – the small school will cater for children who don’t cope with traditional schooling.

There will be no remote participation using Zoom, so attendance in person will be necessary – send alternates from congregations if needed.

Other Presbytery meetings will be at Port Macquarie (plus on Zoom) on Saturdays 27 May and 18 November (the AGM).  The meeting on 19 August will be on Zoom only – convenient for mid-winter!

Jenny Tinsley

Jenny had been a member of Presbytery for many years, coming from the Laurieton-Bonny Hills congregation.  One of her concerns was for those on the margins of society, as modelled by Jesus.  In recent years back pain reduced her level of activity, and more recently she succumbed to cancer in December.

Her funeral in January was a lovely tribute to her life.  Our condolences to her husband, children and wider family.  Jenny is now more fully experiencing being in the presence of Jesus.

Lifeline’s Mary Parsissons Volunteer of the Year Award

The 2022 Award winner across Australia was Lauren Lucas, from Lifeline Canberra.

However, congratulations to Ian Taylor, from Lifeline North Coast, who was the NSW finalist.  Well done!

Subsidies for Theological Study

Rev Dr Peter Walker, Principal of the United Theological College, writes:

The Synod and UTC are eager to encourage education in ministry and theology. I am writing to ask for your help to share the following opportunity. And please feel very welcome to contact me directly if I can assist with further information.

Scholarships that cover 50% of the university tuition fees are now offered at UTC for members of the Uniting Church who undertake the:

  • Undergraduate Certificate in Theology (for students with no prior university study), or
  • Graduate Certificate in Theological Studies (for students with a prior degree in any discipline).

The 50% scholarship is paid to you as reimbursement following the successful completion of each subject.  Also:

  • These Charles Sturt University certificates are taught by UTC faculty and comprise four subjects
  • You can commence study in either session 1 (February 27) or session 2 (July 10)
  • You may attend UTC classes either in person or by Zoom
  • Once you have completed your Certificate, your 4 subjects can be credited to a CSU Bachelor’s or Master’s degree if you wish to continue your study.

For further information contact either Joanne or Renee at or 02 8838 8900.

Life & Witness, Mission Planning & Property

If you are interested in these topics for your congregation, then consider the training days being offered by Uniting Mission & Education on Thursday and Friday 16-17 March.  It is free, and you can attend in person at the Centre for Ministry in North Parramatta, or participate on Zoom.

Further information is available on - click through to select being there in person or on Zoom.

Remember, even if you can’t participate, in quietness

Pause and say to God “I’m open for you to use me as You wish.”

Website training

Another day of training for people to create and maintain congregational websites using the Synod-provided MicroSites system is booked for Wednesday 1 March at the Nambucca Heads Church.  Please contact me to reserve a spot or for enquiries.

2023 Presbytery Retreat

The retreat has been booked for Thursday 19 to Saturday 21 October at the Stuarts Point Convention Centre.  While final details are yet to be determined, put the dates in your diaries and congregation calendars!


A reminder that we should not assume that we can take photos at Church events and share them on social media etc without the prior consent of those in the photos.  Nor can we share personal details (such as phone numbers or details of ill health) without permission of the person involved.

Presbytery finances

A thank you to congregations for payment of your Presbytery levies as this is the only income for our Presbytery, unless we take funds from our reserves. We have a commitment to pay 100% of the Presbytery Pastoral Relations Minister position and also contribute to the Tertiary Chaplaincy position. Although we would like to have income from other areas, at present we don't have other sources, however we are open to suggestions of other income sources.

Synod meeting

The Synod of NSW & ACT will meet this year from 15-17 September at the Katoomba Christian Convention Centre.  It will commence with the installation of the new Moderator, Rev Mata Havea Hiliau.

Stay tuned for further updates – this Presbytery will need to appoint delegates to participate in the Synod. And for the rest, offer your prayer support.

Synod 2017

Approaching Lent

Lent commences on Wednesday 22 February.  Amongst the business of our lives, let’s remember to slow down and contemplate again the awesomeness of the love of our God, who has no limits in bringing about our reconciliation.

What do we offer in return? And as part of the Body of Christ, how do we partake in His compassionate ministry to all people?


Stephen Nicholson                                                                 Presbytery Chairperson